Marianne heegeldab, vildib, teeb Fimost imelisi ehteid ning katsetab pidevalt erinevaid uusi tehnikaid.
Tänaseks on saanud minust tema ammendamatut inspiratsiooni pakkuva käsitööbloogi püsikülastaja. Lisaks Marianne enda loomingule leiab sealt väärt viiteid väga erinevatele käsitöömeistritele üle ilma.
Hea uudis neile, kes masstoodangule autoriloomingut eelistavad, täna avas uksed Marianne Etsy pood.
Tere tulemast Etsysse - byMarianneS!!!
I remember the day more than a year ago, when I first time saw her beautiful creation in Flickr. That was a love at first sight!

Marianne Seiman is multifaceted artist - she crochets and felts, makes polymer clay jewelry and experiments with different materials and techniques.

Now you can found her crocheted and felted accessories and jewelry in her Etsy shop.
I can't wait to see her shop now!
that's a wow works!
aitäh sulle!
thank you so much for your kind words Leina!
I'mkeeping an eye on her shop too! :)
Oh so beautiful! I especially love the scarfs and bags!
Wow, beautiful work! :)
Love the scarves!!!
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