Lihtsalt, täna sadas esimene lumi maha...
Ja kuigi ilm oli armetult hall, fotoka statiiv katki (ja koju jäet´) ning objektiiv sai lörtisisajus pidevalt märjaks, paar hämarat pilti sündis siiski...
This post isn't about handicraft at all...

Even, as to be honest I'm a summer girl in my heart!

Ahhh... how beautiful! Real fairy tale pictures!
Beautiful! aaaaaah....
reminds me of something.....
snowing already? bbrrrr..........cold but is beautiful isn't it X?
the first snows are magical :) lovely pics Leina!
Leina, you lucky girl - beautiful snow already. Great pics! I hope we have some this year.
pildid on kaunid, veidi nõidusliku fiilinguga :)
Beautiful, fairy airy Leina! I'm a little bit jealous because it almost never snows where I live and despite that I grew up in the tropics, I am not really a summer girl.
Wowww it is beautiful, looks abit cold but really beautiful and such great pictures! My mum says 'invite the poor child out of the cold to have a warm winter here'!
I want snow too!!!
But just to look at it's gorgeousness and to play with it!
I don't like it when I have to drive to work and the roads are all blocked by snow...
Beautiful photos, so atmospheric! Your first snow looks so much more tempting than the slush we got over here. ;)
Aitäh mann, see oli tõesti üsna nõiduslik jalutuskäik...
Thank you all so much - I am touched by your kind comments!
..and staroftheeast, tell great thanks to your mum - I´ll come and started to pack ;) *LOL*
Oh, beautiful pictures indeed! However I don`t miss snow at all!ButI DO miss Estonia........
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Leina,
It's just a warming message from Provence to say that you have some very nice winter images here.
Thanks so much Eva and Patrick :)
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