
Ankie Daanen

NB! English text is below

Minu silmis üks vapustavamaid nukumeistreid terves ilmas on Ankie Daanen, tema jõuline, üliemotsionaalne ning omapärane looming sõnadesse ei mahu.

Kahjuks ei sobitu "tagasihoidlik nukuost" isegi mitte minu mitme aasta eelarvesse, ent gurmaanidel on võimalus neid haruldasi nukke nii imetleda kui ka osta.


In my eyes is one of the most admirable doll artists in the whole world Ankie Daanen, her powerful, emotional and unconventional creation is simply stunning.

I really have no opportunity to buy one of her wonderful dolls, but I frequently admire her creation and dream about being able to take her world famous master class one day.


Anonymous said...

Wow! They are beautiful, indeed!
But the prices! OUTCH!
I think we need to become much more famous so we can raise our prices too. At least, a little bit *g*

X by Leina Neima said...

hah, K - I ma sure, we will.... some day ;) *LOL*

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

I think you have to have a lot of patience to make dolls like those! I'm sure you have... ;)

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