
Viltimisest / Felting inspiration...

NB! The English text is below!

Nagu Marianne juba välja hõikas, püüame me 13. juunil toimuvatel Harju-Jaani Kihelkonnapäevadel Peningi mõisas teiste toredate toimetuste-ürituste seas huvilistele vilditegemise rõõmu ja algtõdesid jagada.

Plaanis on tutvustada klassikalist märgviltimist ning anda aimu, mida kõike väikestest "proovilappidest" loova lähenemisega välja võluda võib... Mina pistan huviliste tarbeks lisaks ka viltimisnõelad tasku - vildi võimalused on ju piiritud...

Sestap on aeg ärgata kevadunest ning lähiajal võib siit taas erinevaid (peamiselt vilditeemalisi) postitusi leida :)

Järgmise „vildilise hetkeni“!

Lisaks veidi silmailu ja inspiratsiooni:

Horst , kelle käte vahel sünnivad maailma kõige suursugusemad vildist kleidid ning palju muudki. Minu loominguline esimesest pilgust!

Me and Marianne will have a workshop in June and we will teach felting together - so there is felt in my mind now.

As we try to bring some inspiration and creativity to people, there will be postings about felt inspiration during next few weeks...

And now, please visit the most talented felt artist Horst who creates most amazing and aristocratic felted dresses I have ever seen.

His creation was from the very first sight and I am still in
with his art! :)


ingermaaike said...

A few weeks ago Horst swung by on the felting forum and I had a great few chats with him. He wanted to do a sponsored trip to europe and work together with other european felt artists, then just as sudden as he appeared he disappeared again..

StaroftheEast said...

Oh how nice, and together with Marianne, sounds like fun!

X by Leina Neima said...

inger, how exciting is that! Hopefully he will appear there soon again :)

Star, I think so, too...

..and thank you for your comments, ladies...

Horst said...

Dear Leina...It is so nice to hear you like my work...thanks so much! I am hard at work on my next 4 lines, a duster line, a vest line, a dress line and a purse line. My business will rerlease these come this late summer on my website. As for Inger, I apologise, just don't have the time for blogging right now. Anyone can email me at anytime, I respond better that way. I am training 3 new felters this summer and looking forward to that also. So, please contact me for anything you need from me!
Horst...the Mad Felter

ingermaaike said...

Hahahah that made me laugh.
Horst that mad felter, yes he hinted at finding my comment on a blog....
I figured it was here.
We at the felting forum were so pleased to be basking in his fame :-D
He is a real nice geezer though, and makes a living from felting...sigh...one can dream...

X by Leina Neima said...

Thank You for your lovely comment, Horst!

I keep my fingers crossed for you :) And I am so curious and impatient to see the new creation, specially the purses... Take care!

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