Leidsin oma ääretustest karpidest ühe seebist kristallikujulise vitraazhi, mis sinna ununenud...
...ja peotäie seebist nikredatud väikeseid pärleid, mida võib nöörile keeks lükkida või vannitoas niisama silmailuks pidada.
Ma polnud nendega peale valmimist eriti rahul ja tundus, et nad vajavad edasiarendamist aga pikk "puhkus" on mu hinnangut leebemaks muutnud...
Tundub, et varsti on ülim aeg seebitegu uuesti käsile võtta!
Look what I found from my bottomless boxes! A soap-crystal 2-in-1... It can be used as stained glass and hang it at window for some time and then, just to wash it away!
And some small hand cut soap crystals - beads. They have holes in them and real necklace from soap can be done or they can just decorate boudoir table.
I remember, I wasn't really pleased with them but after a long break in a box they look quite OK.
Maybe it is time to melt some soap for fun again?!
Tööjuhend - humoorikad vilditud sussid
5 years ago
Hah I love your soaps!
Those crystals really are beautiful, and I think they must smell exquisite!
They look great, your soaps are always quite special!
Leina, my son's ghost is almost out! And guess what he told me: we should buy another one, maybe with something different inside. So, I might come with a custom order soon (of course, if you take one :)). Those red soaps look yummy!!
cool, i didn't realise you made soaps .. these look gorgeous! It'd be nice to see them in your shop .. I love buying soaps!
Wow, that is amazing soap! How lovely!
~Emily xx
Thank you ladies :)
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