Nimi: planeedisüsteem FLORITICITAS BEAULAGE
Asukoht: 26,7 valgusaasta kaugusel Nõelateraviku tähtkujus. Seni teadaolevalt lähim planeedisüsteem!
Keskne täht: puna-sinine super-hiid FLORITICITAS BEAULAGE. Erakordselt heade tingimuste puhul vaadeldav ka palja silmaga!
Tõenäolisus eluks: kaheldav
See kee on omaniku juba leidnud!
Orbital Necklace - Planetary System FLORITICITAS BEAULAGE
The closest confirmed exoplanetary system with 6 confirmed planets orbiting huge star called FLORITICITAS BEAULAGE. This system lies only about 26.7 light years away in the Needlepoint constellation.
FLORITICITAS BEAULAGE is an blue-red supergiant-star which might be visible to the unaided eye under exceptionally good circumstances; however, usually small telescope or binoculars are needed.
It really looks like a small globe. Pretty amazing!
Thank you :)
This is a beautiful bead....
I thought I let a comment yesterday....I said, I love this focal bead....soooo pretty.
Thank you so so much Alice:)
Somehow blogger thought, that those comments need to be moderated. Happily looked though all comments today and noticed and published it!
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