
Allison Strine

NB! The English text is below!

Kui endal aega nikerdamiseks krooniliselt napib, võib hinge toita ning inspiratsiooni koguda teiste loomingut imetledes...Tänane "jalutuskäik" Etsy-lemmikute lehele tõi meelde mõnedki esimesed oh-kui-lahedad autorid, kelle looming endiselt silmad särama lööb.

Oleks patt seda ilu vaid enda teda hoida!

Niisiis, saage tuttavaks - Allison Strine ja tema omapärane, praegusel pimedapoolsel ajal vitamiinipommina mõjuv - kirev ja ülivärviline maailm, mida sõnadega kirjeldada on lihtsalt võimatu...

...ja et oma silm on kuningas, saab siit kiigata tema Etsy poodi ja kodulehele.

This morning I started a walk through my Etsy favorites. I found more than 70 pages filled with shops of exiting and unique crafters all around the world. So I decided to share this treasury with you all.

Please meet one of my first Etsy favorites ever - Allison Strine and her unique and unconventional world of creation.

She says about herself, that she is a wife, a daughter, a sister and a mommy, and mostly one of the luckiest people on her face of this earth.

You know I do believe her! Please take a look into her colorful world, filled with LadyBirds and other creatures and most of all – vibrant powerful colors! They definitely put a smile in your face, too.

Her Etsy Shop and website.


twolefthands said...

I love Allison Strine, I love reading her descriptions. They always make me smile!

Heli said...

Lovely works!
Great colors! Will visit the shop soon for sure :)
Thanks for sharing miss X!

ingermaaike said...

Great colors she uses! The images themselves are very powerful too.

kraplap said...

beautiful art ! it's new to me !

StaroftheEast said...

Lovely and colorful Art, she must be like that too!

Arctida said...

Mmm, color explosion! Love it :) Thanks for sharing, Leina :)

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