NB! The English text is below!
Meie EST grupi liikme Vadjudka idee näidata ühte oma varasemast loomingust säilinud ülesvõtet kõrvuti tänasega ajendas arhiivides sorima!
Paraku või õnneks pole varajases nooruses õmmeldud riided ja muud "pusserdised" piltidel säilinud. Peale keskkooli oli "käsitöönduses" pikk paus, sest 20-ndates aastates on elu kiire ja palju muudki teha.
Õnneks on täiesti olemas pilt 2002. aastal sündinud käsitsi maalitud kotist "Iiris" - see ongi kõige esimene asi, mis sai peale pikka-pikka pausi nikerdet :)
Nüüd toimub "osavate käte ring" peaaegu iga päev ning seebid, viliditud esemed, käsitsi maalitud sallid ja ehted aina sünnivad.
PS! Teiste grupi liikmete töid saab imetleda SIIN!
One of the EST ladies called Vadjudka had a great idea to show some creations from past and now. Well, I was a crafty girl in my childhood and until about my 20ties - making all my clothes and other things by hand. Then life got suddenly busy and a long break occurred - as far as 2002, when I started to paint on fabrics again...
Then my first "new era" creation was born - hand painted and hand beaded bag "Iris". I remember, it took approx 40 hours to complete it and after that I started to make bags and other things as well.
Today crafting is my everyday life - I love to create different things - soaps, felted items, polymer clay jewelry and hand painted silk scarves.
You can take a closer look to my other early bags HERE and HERE.
MORE PICTURES of "Then and Now" items by other European Street Team members.
Tööjuhend - humoorikad vilditud sussid
5 years ago
This bag is really cute! I admire your patience :)
Ahhh.. bags. How boring! ;)
But I love the mushrooms! :)
Wonderful... your bags are simply wonderful... Evening Purse With a Red Rose perhaps is my favourite, but I love them all!!!
Woww!! Both are amazing!! You are really talented, X!
Thank you glas *blushes* :)
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