
Salajõuluvanast / Secret Santa...

...on ikka mõnus, kui ühel ilusal päeval tuleb ootamatu jõuluvana ning toob kingi, mis on spetsiaalaselt sulle valmistatud...

Tänan südamest oma üllatus-jõuluvana - andekat ehtemeistrit Etsy poest nimega Amoronia Kreekast!

Selle kauni paki sain juba paar nädalat tagasi, ent kiirustades pole mahti olnud pilte üles riputada...

...loodan, et Jõulutaat on helde ning lahke ka edaspidi, olen ju olnud hea tüdruk... ausõna :=)

this time was my Secret Santa generous and gifted fellow EST-member Amoronia from Greece.

She made magical and absolutely wonderful jewelry set for me and also send some wonderful buttons and sea glass ( I am sure, I will us them in my creation). And my "inner cook" sings happily as I have now real organic Greek saffron in the house. Thank you so so so much, you totally spoiled me...

I got the package a while ago and opened it right up, but as it is most busy time of a year - there is my late photos about this wonderful gift.

Thank you so so much.. I wonder, what else Santa will bring to me... I have been good girl this year :=)


evihan said...

wooowww great presentsss...congratulationssss

Michele said...

Oh a gorgeous Present!!!

StaroftheEast said...

Your gifts are very pretty!

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